ATOM's Children
2017 - On going
このプロジェクトの目的は、そのことを必然とも諦めともつかない表情で受け入れようとする、東洋の老いた経済大国のかつての繁栄期から取り残され「失われた30年」の中で育った世代と、 彼らを取り巻く現在の環境を視覚化することにあります。
When I was born in 1988, Japan was in the last glow of an unprecedented economic boom known as the "bubble" economy. 2 years later, in early 1990, the bubble suddenly burst and Japan entered a long period of stagnation. The economy shrank, politicians and business leaders repeatedly failed to act, and social inequality was exacerbated. 30 years after the burst of the bubble economy, a gloomy mood still hangs over the entire society. I grew up in such a rather backward-looking Japan for as long as I can remember.
I was born in the Heisei era (Heisei era), a time when we were called "yutori," or "young people," and I was forced to shoulder the future of a country that looked like a burnt-out field after everything had been eaten away. We grew up without feeling loved or loved by our hometown, which was changing day by day for someone we did not know.
Eventually, as I began my career as a photographer, I struggled with the question of how to love my declining homeland and the society there, with all of its complexities, misunderstandings, and irrevocability. I then began this project as a way to understand the city I was born and raised in, Tokyo, a city I loathe.
The setting may be Japan in its declining years, as future generations will surely see. We must live our daily lives in a place that will continue to slowly age in the future, and still continue to do so.
The purpose of this project is to visualize the generation that grew up in the "lost 30 years," left behind from the once prosperous period of an aging economic powerhouse in the East, and the current environment that surrounds them, as they try to accept this with a look that is neither inevitable nor resigned.